Seeking new ways to enjoy my crop of Shipkas (Bulgarian carrot) peppers I tried out a recipe for hot chili sauce recently published in the NY Times by Melissa Clark. The chief difference is my choice of peppers and a few extra garlic cloves.
- 4 hot peppers (Shipkas)
- 2 red bell peppers
- 7 garlic cloves
- 3/4 cup of distilled white vinegar
- 1/2 tsp kosher salt
Simmer for 10-15 minutes until the peppers are soft.
Puree in a blender and cool.
Refrigerate for 3 days before use - it will keep for several weeks.
I'll report back once I've used it - it does look a lot like the Tuong Ot Toi Vietnam chili garlic sauce I use for marinades and on rice and fish cakes, etc.

The cooled-down chili sauce ready for the refrigerator alongside some remaining shipkas peppers (I have plans for them).