Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day on the Northern Plains of Mars

Vacation snaps from the plains of the Martian arctic - there are some folks with wonderful hangovers in Pasadena (Arizona, UK, and elsewhere) today.

Reminds me of the Viking 1 landing on in western Chryse Planitia on July 4, 1976 - excellent timing for a space faring nation to celebrate its own 200th birthday. Remember watching images beamed from Viking later that week while eating at a cafe near Penn Station.

Morning on earth here in southern California - scrub jays Smith & Hawkins have visited and started the day's caching of peanuts. Grassy Knolls is looking wild and now wet thanks to a good hosing down. Now it's off to a short run of errands and then back to spend the day with family.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

ERRguitar Set to Strum

An act of consolidation. Unite the efforts, integrate the various threads and revive ERRguitar. Hell, celebrate the glorious break in the weather and talk about what's in the oven and grilling on the patio. And what's in the reading queue.

Spawn of Marines (my mother DID wear 'Army boots,' or whatever footwear was issued to Women Marines circa WWII), I'm again pondering how to observe Memorial Day. TCM has been a godsend in the past and I intend to dip into its offering over the next 2 days. I'm drawn to rewatching "Private Ryan" after seeing some clips during a Spieleberg-on-Spielberg special - Hank's Captain Miller's "Earn this" whisper, a call for reflection as my country is again at war.

Back on the homefront, the whole family got haircuts on the same day - a first - with satisfied smiles all round.

And back to the kitchen - time to wrap up the late Saturday dinner. Baked potato stuffed with bacon/anchovy/sage/garlic and steak ala Grassy Knolls... Updates to follow.